Building Science Lab

The Building Science Laboratory is part of the CDB and it is composed of four units: (1) Acoustics and Noise Control; (2)  Building Illumination; (3) Thermal and Mechanical Systems; and (4) Building Materials and Construction Systems. The units are equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation for measuring variables that affect aspects of natural and built environments. These include illumination, acoustics, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality. The Building Science Laboratory is also equipped with facilities for designing scale-model structures, and it also contains a number of working models for illustrating the air-conditioning process and cycles. The laboratory is used for instructional as well as research purposes. Because of the low number of graduates from the basic-level program in the department and the strict admission requirements to the graduate program, the number of students admitted is low. However, with the recent positive enrollment trend in the undergraduate program and the planned introduction of a non-thesis option and more relevant and attractive topics and areas of research, the number of students in the Architectural Engineering graduate program is expected to increase substantially. 


Acoustics and Noise Control and Thermal and Mechanical Systems Units




Building Illumination Lab



Building Materials and Construction Systems