Bachelor's Degree in Architecture

We have two academic plans running at the moment;

154 Cr. Hrs. Curriculum (2016-2020)

150 Cr. Hrs. Curriculum (2021 and later)

Preparatory Year (31 Credits)
Semester 1
Course Title LT LB CR
ENGL 01-xx Prep. English I (1st Q) 15 5 4
ENGL 02-xx Prep. English II (2nd Q) 4
MATH 001 Prep. MATH 1 3 1 4
PYP 001 Prep. Physical Science 2 0 2
PYP 003 University Study Skills 0 2 1
PE 001 Prep. Health & Phys. Edu. 1 0 2 1
20 10 16
Semester 2
Course Title LT LB CR
ENGL 03-xx Prep. English III (3rd Q) 15 5 4
ENGL 04-xx Prep. English IV (4th Q) 4
MATH 002 Prep. Math II 3 1 4
PYP 002 Prep. Computer Science 0 2 1
PYP 004 Prep. Eng. Technology 0 2 1
PE 002 Prep. Health & Phys. Edu. II 0 2 1
18 12 15
Freshman Year (39 Credits)
Semester 1
Course Title LT LB CR
ARC 102 Design Studio I 0 6 3
ARC 113 Arch. Communication I 0 6 3
ARC 121 History of Architecture I 3 0 3
ENGL 101 Introduction to Academic Discourse 3 0 3
PHYS 133 Principles of Physics 3 3 4
IAS 111 Belief and its Consequences 2 0 2
11 15 18
Semester 2
Course Title LT LB CR
ARC 103 Design Studio II 0 6 3
ARC 114 Arch. Communication II 0 6 3
ARC 122 History of Architecture II 3 0 3
ENG 102 Introduction to Report Writing 3 0 3
MATH 106 Applied Calculus 3 0 3
ICS 104 Intro. to Programming in Python and C 2 3 3
11 15 18
Summer Session 1
Course Title LT LB CR
IAS 121 Language Foundation 2 0 2
PE 101 Physical Education I 0 2 1
2 2 3
Sophomore Year (40 Credits)
Semester 1
Course Title LT LB CR
ARC 204 Arch. Design Studio III 0 10 5
ARC 213 Digital Communication I 0 6 3
ARC 226 Theory of Architecture I 2 0 2
ARC 231 Structure in Architecture I 3 0 3
ARE 230 Building Materials and Construction Systems 4 3 4
9 19 17
Semester 2
Course Title LT LB CR
ARC 205 Arch. Design Studio IV 0 10 5
ARC 214 Digital Communication II 0 6 3
ARC 229 Theory of Architecture II 2 0 2
ARC 232 Structure in Architecture II 3 0 3
ISE 291 Introduction to Datascience 3 0 3
IAS 212 Professional Ethics 2 0 2
10 16 18
Summer Session 2
Course Title LT LB CR
ENG 214 Academic & Professional Communication 3 0 3
IAS xxx Islamic/Arabic Elective 2 0 2
5 0 5
Junior Year (37 Credits)
Semester 1
Course Title LT LB CR
ARC 306 Arch. Design Studio V 0 10 5
ARC 355 Human Factors in Architecture 3 0 3
ARE 322 Building Mechanical Systems 2 3 3
COE 292 Intro. to Artificial Intelligence 3 0 3
BUS 200 Business & Entrepreneurship 3 0 3
11 13 17
Semester 2
Course Title LT LB CR
ARC 307 Arch. Design Studio VI 0 10 5
ARC 345 Working Drawings 0 6 3
ARC 356 Principles of Sustainable Design 3 0 3
ARC 357 Urban Design 3 0 3
ARE 328 Arch. Acoustics & Illumination 3 0 3
CGS 392 Career Essentials 0 2 1
9 18 18
Summer Session
Course Title LT LB CR
ARC 399 Summer Training 0 0 2
0 0 2
Senior Year (34 Credits)
Semester 1
Course Title LT LB CR
ARC 401 Senior Project Preparation and Programming 3 0 3
ARC 402 Arch. Design Studio VII 0 10 5
ARC 358 Real Estate and Housing Development 3 0 3
ARC xxx Architecture Elective I (CX Equivalent) 3 0 3
XXX xxx Tech. / free Elective I (CX Equivalent) 3 0 3
12 10 17
Semester 2
Course Title LT LB CR
ARC 403 Arch. Design Studio VIII: Senior Project 0 10 5
ARC 492 Professional Practice and Management 3 0 3
ARC xxx Architecture Elective II (CX Equivalent) 3 0 3
XXX xxx Tech. / free Elective II (CX Equivalent) 3 0 3
CGS xxx GS Elective I 3 0 3
12 10 17
Total Credit hours (Excluding PYP) 150

Core courses

Principles and elements of design and visual thinking as design tools. Small 2D and 3D design-based exercises. Design vocabularies, concepts, and organizational principles. Proportion, scale, rhythm, balance, harmony, texture, repetition, movement, and other spatial, formal, and relational properties using various materials and media. Design process and diagrammatic thinking techniques and evaluation of 2D and 3D compositions.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: ARC113

Various forms and methods of 3D design through a range of design applications of different sizes. Visual and graphical thinking and design processes to produce non-functional 3D compositions. The design of simple architectural projects. Formal and functional aspects of architecture. The role of design ideas (concepts) in generating innovative design solutions.

Pre-requisite: ARC 102 & ARC 113

Co-requisite: ARC114

Drawings and architectural communication techniques and skills, including orthographic, orthogonal, pictorial perspective, and freehand drawings. Essential methods of manual architectural drawings. Production of 2D and 3D graphics, including floor plans, site plans, elevations, sections, axonometric, and one-point and two-point perspective drawings. Basic technical rendering and essential shade and shadow techniques for enhanced architectural drawings.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: ARC102

Various design media as means for architectural design presentation. Rendering and presentation techniques using a range of design media, including color pencil, markers, ink, graphite charcoal, among others. Presenting and communicating architectural design ideas and concepts. Physical representation media using various materials and methods. 2D and 3D architectural presentations production, including physical models. Shade and shadow techniques and accurate freehand perspectives.

Pre-requisite: ARC 113

Co-requisite: ARC103

The development of architecture from pre-history to the mid-seventh century, including Ancient near East, Egyptian, Aegean, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Romanesque. Structural systems development, materials, construction, and other building systems, and focusing on the Middle and Near East. The eastern Architecture of the Indian, Chinese and Japanese civilizations. The impact of the social and cultural factors that contribute to the development of various cultures' unique architecture.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

The development of architecture from the mid-seventh century to the mid-nineteenth century. The rise of the Islamic period through the Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Structural systems development, materials, construction, and other building systems. The impact of the social and cultural factors that contribute to the development of various cultures' unique architecture.

Pre-requisite: ARC 121

Co-requisite: None

Architectural design process and analytical approaches to problem-solving. Small-scale architecture design projects. Form, massing, space, spatial relationships, material, texture, function, user experience, and needs. Conceptual thinking, visual thinking, problem identification, problem-solving processes, and related analysis and synthesis techniques and skills.

Pre-requisite: ARC 103

Co-requisite: None

The interrelationship of form, function, and context using increasingly complex data sets. Multiple design projects of different sizes focusing on formal, tectonic, programmatic aspects of the design and their relationships to the site's physical and social context. Site analysis and precedents (case studies) analysis as analytical tools and sources. Generate concepts and guidelines for design solutions. Methodological and procedural concerns, including analysis, research, critical thinking, conceptualization, theory application, and issue-based thinking.

Pre-requisite: ARC 204

Co-requisite: None

Developing digital communication skills by application of local architecture design tools in BIM, visualization, and fabrication to create, study, present and build architectural designs. Demonstrations and practical exercises of digital techniques in 2D drawing, 3D modeling, rendering and fabrication by using relevant digital tools and rapid prototyping technology.

Pre-requisite: ARC 114 or instructor approval

Co-requisite: None

Using digital media as a design creation, exploration, manipulation, and communicative tool. Further development of digital communication skills in emerging topics of three-dimensional modeling, parametric design, real-time visualization, and presentation techniques.

Pre-requisite: ARC 213 or instructor approval

Co-requisite: None

The path of the principal architectural thoughts and events led to the development of major architectural design theories, starting from the industrial revolution until the end of modernity (1850-1960 AD). The theories behind the origin of the modern movement emphasizing the various interpretations of functionalism and its opposition, such as art deco and classicism. Critical analysis of the concepts of architectural space, form, vocabulary, and significant town planning and urban design concepts and theories within these periods.

Pre-requisite: ARC 122

Co-requisite: None

The theories foundations of the twentieth Century trends in architecture in the light of worldwide historical developments and their social and technological influences (1960 – to date). Exploration of the Modern Movement and recent developments to the Post-Modem aspects of architectural aesthetics. Analysis of twentieth-century architecture through a critical examination of architectural works and theoretical writings to locate the formative conditions, duration, and effect of the principles of Modernism on the discipline of architecture. Styles, technologies, urbanisms, regionalisms, functions, and reform of postmodern movement, deconstruction, and digital morphogenesis trend to address the diverse forces that have shaped contemporary architecture.

Pre-requisite: ARC 226

Co-requisite: None

The static behaviors of structures through the analysis of systems, determinacy, stability hierarchy and order of sub-systems, and the elements which compose a structural framework such as trusses, beams, columns, frames, and floor systems, including the spanning concept. Governing structure principles including external loads and their types, fundamental concepts of structural behavior, the strength of materials, introduction to and analysis of simple structural systems, internal forces and unit stress, and force equilibrium calculation. Formulas and graphical techniques to analyze bending, shear, and moment of beams, columns, and slabs.

Pre-requisite: PHYS 133 or PHYS101, and MATH106 or MATH101

Co-requisite: None

The analysis and design of steel and reinforced concrete structures. Computational analysis of steel and RC beams, columns, and slabs. The concepts and procedures for the design, manufacture, and construction of structural components (e.g., walls, columns, beams, slabs) using steel and concrete. Experimental work (shear and moment tests) on RC and steel members.

Pre-requisite: ARC 231

Co-requisite: None

Medium to large-scale buildings design using advanced application of program analysis, spatial development, design language, structure and material selection, advanced technological and aesthetic principles, and the interface between these aspects. Digital media and digital fabrication as tools to generate form, explore, and evaluate design alternatives. Issues related to site developments including site planning, landscape design, vehicular and pedestrian movement, and car parking.

Pre-requisite: ARC 205

Co-requisite: None

Complex design problems within context through medium to large-scale design projects situated in an urban context. Examine and respond creatively and responsibly to Saudi society's needs and particularities. Addressing client needs, human factors, symbolism, and the interrelated socio-cultural factors as an integral part of the building design process, program, site, and form. Produce and develop region-sensitive design solutions considering local codes and detailed design solutions through working drawings.

Pre-requisite: ARC 306 and ARC 229

Co-requisite: None

Construction documentation divisions and standardized language. Preparation of a full working drawings package using 2D CAD programs for a small to medium-scale building. Development of technically precise working drawings with proper sequence and languages of different components in buildings including floor plans, sections, elevations, and detailing.

Pre-requisite: ARE 230

Co-requisite: None

Fundamental concepts and theories related to the interaction of people with their natural and built environments. Foundational anthropological, sociology, psychological, critical theory, and philosophy of technology frameworks to understand the relationship of the human beings with the spatial and cultural dimensions of the built environment. Privacy, perception, cognition, proxemics, personal space, territoriality, technology, symbolism, social and cultural aspects of the environment, and their influence on architectural theory and practice.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Fundamentals of sustainable design concepts, methods, and applications within the built environment. Environmental control systems and their emphasis on building energy and user comfort. Factors that contribute to the occupants' comfort and wellbeing in buildings. Passive and active strategies for reducing the energy consumption in buildings. The use of computer applications to assess sustainable measures in design.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Introduction to the theories of urban design and their historical backgrounds. The history of the city and the influential urban design theories and trends in modern and post-modern times. The visual, perceptual, social, morphological aspects of urban public spaces. Researching and analyzing urban form to understand its elements and its underlying organizing principles considering streetscape and public realm.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Introduction to housing theory, socio-economic aspects related to housing, alternative approaches to housing policy and housing problems in developing countries. Traditional housing settlements and real estate in Saudi Arabia. Current issues in the formulation and implementation of housing programs including housing concept, analysis of housing design, classification of housing types, data gathering on housing, neighborhood theory as a real estate, design procedure of a housing community, structure of housing areas, construction technologies, materials, costs, climatic conditions, and code issues.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Professional training for eight weeks during summer in a professional architectural consulting firm. Firsthand expert training in the building design and construction industry under the supervision of a faculty coordinator. Upon the completion of the summer internship, students should submit a portfolio outlining their individual contribution.

Pre-requisite: ARC 345, ENGL 214, and Junior Standing

Co-requisite: None

Preparation of a comprehensive report for the final senior project. Literature review, client objectives, functional relationships, the basic techniques of architectural programming and space requirement development, site development requirements, site selection criteria, and analysis, prioritizing functions, spatial restrictions, and budget constraints. Research on chosen building type and location, acquiring necessary departmental and governmental approvals, site visits, obtain essential maps, contour information, street locations, and photographs.

Pre-requisite: ARC 307

Co-requisite: None

Comprehensive architectural design using research and integrative design processes. Large-scale design project urban building that explores sustainability framework, including context, program, constructability, integration of major building systems, material innovations, sustainability, and contemporary social issues. Construction documents, specification writing, and use of local building codes.

Pre-requisite: ARC 214, ARC 232, ARC 345, and ARC 307

Co-requisite: None

Individual design based on the architectural programming document developed in ARC 401. Creation of an architectural solution for a project with appropriate scope, sophistication, and complexity. Integrative approach toward design. Readiness and ability to engage responsibly, critically, and creatively in the profession of architecture. A comprehensive mastery of architectural design, reflecting the knowledge and skills acquired during the study in the architecture program.

Pre-requisite: ARC 401 and ARC 402

Co-requisite: None

Architectural practice in the marketplace from individual approaches to the different architectural related fields of employment. The related practices in Saudi Arabia compared with the best international practices. The role of architects in societies with background on architecture profession including ideological structure, obligations to society, and the career path and professional ethics of practicing as architects. The organization and management of architectural firms, and the requirements to run an Architectural practice. Management and construction-related procedures, including the study and implementation of the General Saudi Building Code, cost estimating and building economics, bidding documents and procedures, types of contracts, specifications, and project time planning and control.

Pre-requisite: Junior Standing

Co-requisite: None

Elective Courses

Exploring different types of digital cameras, photographic art theory, and techniques. Advanced computer applications and printing.Visual abilities to create and communicate ideas, art, and architectural works. Aspects of cameras and photography devices’ functions, characteristics of lenses, lighting, movement, creative environmental control, color management, theme selection, and photo composition.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Exploring emerging ideas and techniques in design computing, visualization and the application of information technology and digital media in design and architectural practice. The specific content and format of the course vary.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

The principles of landscape architectural design and techniques. Projects at the scale of site design, such as open spaces and building surroundings. The optimum and correct use of land development, local plant materials and irrigation systems.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Selected advanced topics in sustainable architecture and urbanism not covered in the related core courses, such as: design solutions to improve indoor environmental quality, green building materials and their environmental impact, net-zero energy building, the use of renewable energy systems at building and site levels, sustainable rating systems, green building codes, and case study analysis. Building performance modeling utilized to examine the introduced topics using available computer tools.

Pre-requisite: ARC 356

Co-requisite: None

Parametric design in architectural design process and practices. Parametric design fundamentals, advanced tools, techniques and methods, history and development, parametric, leading-edge typologies of practice, technology, and associative parametric design techniques.

Pre-requisite: ARC214

Co-requisite: None

Procedures and concerns about the nature of both critical and creative thinking processes as related to design. Expanding the understanding of creative and critical thinking techniques and processes to improve the processes in identifying and reframing design problems and opportunities and developing design solutions.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Contemporary topics of Islamic principles founded in tradition and social sciences enhance the critical contribution of Islam in shaping the current built environment and society. Potential of developing Islamic architectural theory and its relevance to contemporary architectural issues. Islamic cities, Islamic urban ethics, mosque architecture, and other Muslim frameworks, institutions, and building typologies and their historical development and relevance to contemporary society and architecture.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Localism and Regionalism in architecture as historical and contemporary global phenomena. Analysis of local and regional architecture as situated in place, time, and context, drawing upon local traditions in response to present-day conditions. Examination of pertinent issues and themes such as Contextualism, heritage, third space, identity, authenticity, critical regionalism, critical vernacular, inventions, and technology. Introduction to the vernacular architecture of Saudi Arabia, including both traditional and contemporary, while considering its various regions. Exploration of theories and approaches that aim to utilize vernacular traditions in the contemporary context.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Detailed analysis of historical background of conservation theories (from the end of XVIII century to nowadays), different conservation strategies, contemporary preservation policies considering the local and international experience and recommendations. Different documentation techniques used to identify and record historic structures and heritage sites, various methods used to diagnose and assess historic buildings' damage and how to determine and prioritize the different required interventions. Real-time case studies on local and international levels.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Interdisciplinary exploration of design fields broken away from the narrow themes, methodologies, and approaches definitions to enrich creative thinking and design practice. Exploration of various topics related to spatial, furniture, interaction, user experience, service, fusion, advertising, and graphic design. Highlighting the difference in scale, focus, methodology, and use of technology, as well as pointing out the possibility of mutual borrowing and integration of different perspectives and approaches.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Introducing principles, elements, and methods of interior design and their applications in different types of buildings. Exploring concepts, style, space planning and functions, materials and textures, floor, ceilings, stairs, furniture, lighting, textiles, color, and accessories. Addressing relationships between interior design and human needs, technical, economic, and social considerations to maintain a balance between aesthetics and functional applications.

Pre-requisite: None

Co-requisite: None

Selected advanced topics in the areas of architecture, urban, landscape, interior, or the built environment. Variated topics from semester to semester; information available during registration.

Pre-requisite: Senior Standing or Instructor Approval

Co-requisite: None

Supporting Courses

Introduction to basic engineering graphics skills, equipment, and applications (manual and digital), including sketching, multi-view (or orthographic) drawings, pictorial drawings, sectional and auxiliary views, lettering, dimensioning, and other engineering drawing standards, and annotation. Introduction in computer-aided engineering drafting.

Pre-requisite: None (Note: Course for non-architecture majors)

Co-requisite: None

Smart and Sustainable Buildings (SSBs).

1- ARE 460: Green and Sustainable Buildings

2- ARE 461: The Appl. of AI in Smart Buildings

3- CEE 462: Smart Building Materials and Systems

4- ARE 463: Sustainable Energy Solutions

Building and Construction Safety (BCS).

1- ARE 435: Construction Safety

2- ARE 436: Fire Safety Management

3- ARC 431: Safety in Building Design

4- CE 479: Air Quality in Building and Construction Sites

Automated Construction Management (ACM).

1- ARE 432: Construction Planning and Scheduling

2- CEM 441: Automation & Robotics in Construction

3- ARE 466: Applied Machine Learning in Construction

4- CEM 442: Application of Digital Technologies in Construction Management

To apply, please Click Here!